Tuesday 7 May 2013

Music Rights Organizations

I have never receive a check directly from my music rights org, BMI, and that might be partly my fault as I probably failed to navigate the labyrinthine process of registering my songs. But they don't make it easy. I've gotten some money for co-writes with Tif Ginn and Elizabeth McQueen, but in both cases the money came from the co-writers after they received it from BMI.
I joined up with BMI in expectation that it was just a matter of time before I had some radio play and I would need them to collect the royalties. I expected them to work for me but I don't really feel like they have the needs of lower level artists in mind as they develop their agenda. I feel the same way about them as I do about joining the Democratic Party. The stated principles were all about getting me signed up but their activities and their energy reflect an entirely different set of principles.
For one thing, the collection and distribution of royalties is totally geared to toward the bigger artists (and ultimately, their managers). But for another thing, they go around and hassle small, independent music venues and shake them down for cash.
Here are some thoughts on that second point.
Music itself belongs to no one. To go around and tell restaurants, bars, yoga studios, campgrounds, etc. that they have to pay royalties if they are going to host a live music event is just wrong. Say what you want about the 'rights of the songwriters', but I'm one, and I'm not buying it. If I write music and perform music, I should be able to go out to a club and play show without the venue having to to worry about the BMI, ASCAP or SESAC rep walking in demanding money. I can understand royalties from radio stations and other broadcast entities. But a club that presents me is not just selling my music, or enhancing the dining experience by providing my music. They are selling a 'show', entertainment, and that is much more than lyrics and melody. I make my money selling tickets and CDs and I ought to have the right to do that without this organization this is supposed to be working for me coming along and shaking down the club-owners. And I wouldn't feel differently if they were actually handing that money over to me, but the fact that they never hand any money over to me really chaps my ass.